How to change style set in word 2013
How to change style set in word 2013

how to change style set in word 2013

This feature of Word causes changes to a style definition when someone applies an explicit formatting change to something in the document. First of all, you need to check to make sure that all users have dynamic style updating turned off. There are a couple of things to check when this happens. If Don saves a file with certain styles in place and someone else with access to the server opens and saves the same file, then when Don subsequently opens the file, invariably the style definitions have changed. It seems that when there are multiple authors using a single document, the styles sometimes change unexpectedly. The AutoText entry is completed.Don has run into a problem in his office regarding styles. In the dialog box, enter the mnemonic you want used for this AutoText entry.

how to change style set in word 2013

Word displays the Create AutoText dialog box. For instance, type the company name along with its slogan or address.

  • In your document, type the text you want to use in the AutoText entry.
  • Follow these steps after you complete step 3, above.

    how to change style set in word 2013

    If you want more than just the company name set up as an AutoText entry-for instance, you want to include a larger block of text, including things like a company slogan or address-then you will follow steps that a bit different. In the Enter AutoText Entries Here box, enter the new company name.(If the old company name is not visible, then use the Look In drop-down list to specify different templates in which the AutoText entry could be located.) In the list of AutoText entries, locate and select the old company name.The AutoText tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box. Either way, Word displays the AutoText tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box. Alternately, you can choose AutoCorrect from the Tools menu and then click on the AutoText tab. Choose AutoText from the Insert menu and then choose AutoText from the submenu.

    how to change style set in word 2013

    If you want to change the word being suggested by AutoComplete, all you need to do is change the entries stored in AutoText. To correct this situation, all you need to do is remember that AutoComplete works hand-in-hand with Word's AutoText feature. Based on how the AutoComplete feature works (see the previous tip), it can be safely assumed that the company names (old and new) must share at least the same first four letters. It seems that his company name changed, and that AutoComplete was still suggesting his old company name as he typed, rather than his new one. Steven was having a problem with AutoComplete.

    How to change style set in word 2013